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ACBCS conducts university exam as per the ordinance of SPPU. College Exam Committee, Chief Examination Officer along with principal and other teaching, administrative faculty ensure smooth conduct of the examination and internal assessment. If any grievance occurs it is immediately considered and redressed. Following mechanism is set to deal with examination related different grievances.





The evaluation of the students is an integral part of the teaching-learning process. Which Allow teachers to evaluate the performance of their students in accordance with the learning objectives and outcomes they have set &having focus on ‘assessment for learning. The Continuous Internal evaluation (CIE):

  • 1. Continuous Progress:

    Continuous assessment encourages students to make consistent progress throughout the semester rather than relying solely on a single, high-stakes examination. This approach supports a deeper and more thorough understanding of the course material as students engage with it incrementally.
  • 2. Alignment with Course Outcomes:

    It allows teachers to regularly assess and evaluate their students' performance in alignment with the specific objectives of the course. This ensures that the assessment methods and content are directly relevant to what students are expected to learn.
  • 3. Development of Skills:

    Continuous assessment promotes the development of a range of skills beyond rote memorization. These skills can include creative and critical thinking, teamwork, effective communication, and leadership abilities. Students have the opportunity to apply and refine these skills throughout the course.
  • 4. Reduced Stress:

    By distributing the course work and assessment tasks throughout the semester, the approach helps reduce stress on students. It lessens the pressure assoCIEted with high-stakes, end-of-term exams and encourages a more balanced workload.

Incorporating continuous assessment into the educational process has the potential to improve learning outcomes, provide a more comprehensive evaluation of student performance, and contribute to the development of critical skills. It also supports a more balanced and less stressful approach to education, benefiting both students and teachers.


The College has Internal Assessment Examination Committee which ensures smooth and transparent conduct of Internal Evaluation Examinations. The internal concurrent examinations are planned and conducted as per the University guidelines mentioned in syllabus by mentioning it’s schedule for 1st two concurrent by Subject Teacher in their subject Course File and 3rd concurrent Mid Term & 4th concurrent End Term exams in semester wise Academic Calendar of Colleg. The students are free to raise grievances regarding evaluation process if they are not satisfied. The college has constituted Internal Assessment Examination Committee to look into the grievance related to internal examination. There are 5 members in the committee which monitors smooth conduct of the examination. Grievance related to internal examination is immediately informed to the concerned departments and get them resolved. The parent university has introduced CBCS pattern in the academic year 2019-20. In this pattern evaluation is done at college as well as university levels. The final evaluation and grading of the students in every semester is done based on 30% weightage to Continuous Internal Evaluation and 70% weightage to External Evaluation based on End Semester examinations conducted by the SPPU as shown below.

Course Credit

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)


End Semester Examination (ESE)

Total Marks

BBA & B.Com

2 30 20 - Grade
3 30 - 70 100
4 30 20 50 100
4 - 50 50 100


2 30 20 - Grade
3 30 - 70 100
4 - - 100 100
6 - - 100 100


3 15 - 35 50
1.5 - 15 35 50


2 15   35 50
2   15 35 50
4 30   70 100
4   30 70 100


For Internal Evaluation, the College follows a uniform and robust mechanism. The continuous internal Evaluation is based on the following components:

Four concurrent evaluation are taken in one semester as follows

  • 1. 1st two concurrent are taken by respective subject teacher from wide range of assessment types decided by the concerned (department and are aimed at both summative and formative Evaluation of the students as follows:
    • a. Class Test
    • b. Case Study analysis
    • c. Group discussion/Debate
    • d. Role Play
    • e. Presentations
    • f. Field visits
    • g. Google Quiz
    • h. Subject Demand assessment. Needs to be approved by HOD along with rubrics of it’s evaluation
  • 2. 3rd Concurrent evaluation i.e Mid Term Exam is carries out at the mid of semester which is based
    on approx. 50% syllabus.
  • 3. 4th Concurrent evaluation i.e End Term Exam is carries out at the End of semester which is based on approx. 100% syllabus and one month prior to university exam


Sr. NoInternal Assessment ModesMarksConverted toFinal Internal marks
1 Concurrent Evaluation 1-Class Test (Best one out of 2) 20 Marks Out of 5 (a)

Addition of a+b+c+d
B.Sc(CS)-It converted into 15 marks
For Other Dept. Converted into 30 marks

2 Concurrent Evaluation 2-Any 2 from Sub point 4-from b to h (Best one out of 2) 20 Marks Out of 5 (b)
3 Concurrent Evaluation 3-Mid Term 30 Marks Out of 10 (c)
4 Concurrent Evaluation 4-End Term 1*70 or 1*35 Out of 10 (d)
5 External End Semester 70 or 35 Marks NIL NIL