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ISO Quality Objective

Sr.NoObjectivesIndicatorMethodologyTargetResponsibility of Maintaining dataFrequency of Maintaining data
1 To improve students satisfaction % of SSI To calculate students satisfaction index once in six month More than previous SSI Respective head of the institute Semester's
2 To improve the proficiency of faculty Number Of FDP Programs To Calculate Number of FDP programs 12 per year FDP/Academic coordinator Quarterly
3 To complete 100% syllabus Monthly report of syllabus completion To assess monthly report 100% as Planned Subject teachers Semester/ Yearly
4 To maintain the attendance as per requirement Attendance percentage To calculate the percentage attendance 85% Class teachers Monthly
5 To minimize students complaints Number of complaints Complaints’ Register Less number of grievances than previous number Grievance committee in charge Monthly
6 To ensure efforts to show rise of 3% in results %age students passed with distinction To ensure the result as per target % More than previous result % age Acadmic incharge Semester/Yearly
7 To ensure results are more than that of university University result, Institute result To ensure the result as per target more than university result Acadmic incharge Semester/Yearly

Benefits of an ISO 9001 Certification

  • Improve market access opportunities and gain a competitive advantage.
  • Increase organizational efficiency.
  • Reduce errors and complaints.
  • Generate trust with your customers.
  • Increase customer orientation.
  • Achieve significant cost savings.
  • Improve processes and structures.
  • Motivate employees with better communication and readily available information.

ISO Audit Report - 2019

ISO Audit Report - 2020

ISO certificate
ISO 9001:2015

Quality management systems - Requirements

ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system when anorganization:

  • Needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meetcustomer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
  • Aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system,including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity tocustomer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

All the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are generic and are intended to be applicable to anyorganization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.

ISO 9001: Moving from ISO 9001-2008 to ISO 9001-2015

Objectives: (Academic)
  • To improve students satisfaction
  • To improve the proficiency of faculty
  • To complete 100% syllabus
  • To maintain the attendance as per requirement
  • To minimize students complaints
  • To ensure efforts to show rise of 3% in results
  • To ensure results are more than that of university
Role of ISO

The institutional benefits of an ISO 9001 Certification with regard to quality assurance are as follows.

  • Improve market access opportunities and gain a competitive advantage.
  • Increase organizational efficiency.
  • Reduce errors and complaints.
  • Generate trust with your customers.
  • Increase customer orientation.
  • Achieve significant cost savings.
  • Improve processes and structures.
  • Motivate employees with better communication and readily available information.
Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle

The core of this standard, and many other management system standards, is the so-called Plan-Do- Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, which says that, in order to have an effective management system. The first step in the cycle is planning, which includes defining objectives, policies, procedures, and processes, including measuring aimed to show whether the processes are delivering the expected results. The next step is the Do phase, which represents the realization of the planned arrangements, applying policies and procedures, performing processes, and producing records. After the Do phase comes the Check phase, where the results of the Do phase are analyzed to determine performance and effectiveness of the activities and actions that were taken during the Do phase, which includes analyzing, monitoring, and measuring results, audits, and management reviews. As the final stage of the cycle, the Act phase is where the organization needs to take actions according to the results of the Act phase in order to achieve continual improvement. The PDCA cycle should be an ongoing cycle that drives the organization towards continual improvement.

Plan – Analysis of the business environment and customer needs and their influence on the organization. Define company targets, objectives and processes to meet customer expectations.

Do – Implementation of management and quality action plans and collection of data for analysis in subsequent steps.

Check – Monitoring and measuring processes and actual results for comparison with expected results and targets.

Act – Improving quality and customer satisfaction by responding to previously collected information.


ISO 9001: 2008 implementation

  • Unit is ISO certified and all the activities are conducted as per prescribed in ISO regulations meticulously.
  • In the introduction to ISO 9001, there is an explanation of the Process Approach and how important this is to implementing a Quality Management System that is compliant with the ISO 9001 requirements. In addition to this, there is a note about the methodology know as “Plan-Do-Check-Act” being applied to all processes.

Plan – Planning is one of the biggest parts of the QMS and starts with understanding the context of the organization and the needs of parties interested in the QMS, which is then used to define the scope of the QMS and the QMS processes. This is followed by the commitment of leadership in the company to drive the organization to a customer focus by defining the organizational roles and responsibilities and by establishing a quality policy to give the overall QMS a focus. The next level of planning is to identify and address risks and opportunities of the QMS, including setting and planning for quality objectives and changes to support continual improvement. The final level of planning is to identify and implement the support structure to allow you to carry out your plans. This includes resources, identifying competence, awareness, communication and to set the processes for creation and control of documented information.

Do – Planning is useless unless the plan is carried out. Controls need to be identified for the QMS operations, product or service requirements need to be identified, designs developed, controls placed on externally provided processes, products and services. The process of producing the product or service needs to be carried out with control of product and service release, any non-conforming products or services need to be addressed. In short, the activities of creating and providing products or services to the customers needs to be done.

Check – There are several requirements in the standard to check the processes of the Quality Management system to ensure they are functioning properly as they have been planned. There is a need to monitor, measure, analyze and evaluate the products or services to ensure they meet requirements, the processes used are adequate and effective, and customer satisfaction is being met. Internal Audit of the processes is the key way to assess the effectiveness of the system. Further is the Management Review process, which reviews and assesses all of the monitored data to make changes and plans to address the issues.

Act – Action in this case involves the actions needed to address any issues found in the check step. Improvement is the overall heading for these action steps with the activities of addressing nonconformity and Corrective Actions to eliminate the causes of actual or potential nonconformities as the first step in acting to improve the system.

ISO 9001:2015 Transformation
  • needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
  • aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
Reinforcing the culture of excellence :
  • To Endeavour for excellence faculty are motivated for participation in workshops, Short Term Training Programs in various Institutes, Research work.
  • Students are been provided to learn & study environment at Best B school & Companies through Educational & Industrial visits.
  • Various Internship opportunities are provided to students to gain practical based approach.
  • Students are provided interaction with university toppers.
  • Students are listed among university toppers.
Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include

1. Regular meeting of  Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); timely submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC; Feedback collected, analysed and used for improvements
2. Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) and initiation of follow up action
3. Participation in NIRF
4. ISO Certification
5. NBA or any other quality audit

YearAQARs prepared/ submitted.(Yes /No)Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) and initiation of follow up actionParticipation in NIRF.(Yes /No)ISO Certification.(Yes /No)NBA or any other certification received.(Yes /No)
2013-14 No No No No No
2014-15 No No No Yes No
2015-16 No No No Yes No
2016-17 No No No Yes No
2017-18 No No No Yes No
2018-19 No No No Yes No