01 | To review the existing college policies & propose revision, if any to the Director. | Director, Principal, Vice Principal, Coordinators | To propose the changes |
02 | To recommend the staff for recruitment as required in the college and instruct HR Executive / Officer to fill the vacancy as per the policy. | HR /Director, Principal | To replace unsuitable staff/New recruitment |
03 | To approve the book list for the Academic session. | Director, Principal, Librarian | To approve |
04 | To prepare and submit the Almanac for the Academic session for approval of Hon. Chairman Sir | Director, Principal, Vice Principal | To submit for approval |
05 | Analyzing and suggesting the changes in micro plan. Observing the implementation of micro plan on regular basis through Log Book report. | Director, Principal, Vice Principal | To approve |
06 | To observe the Class on periodic basis and suggesting the area of improvement and maintaining the record of the same within the institute. | Director, Principal, Vice Principal | To suggest the area of improvement |
07 | Monitoring of the faculty career plan and commitment | Director, Principal, Vice Principal | To suggest the area of improvement |
08 | Administering and coordinating the student's enrolment. | Principal ,Admission committee and AO | To administrate |
09 | Administering and coordinating University examinations and observe the assessment activities of the college | CEO, Examination committee | To administrate |
10 | To control all Academic and Administrative activities and provide guidance to the staff. |
Principal,Vice Principal,Coordinators, Admin Manager |
To monitor and to take action |
11 | To identify the training needs of educators and the staff. | Director, Principal, Vice Principal and Admin Staff | To Plan and execute the training |
12 | To approve the purchase of the books for the library as per the requirement and approved budget. |
Principal,Librarian Purchase Dept |
To replace unsuitable books / purchase new books |
13 | To approve the Admissions as per the recommendation of Admission Committee & Statutory requirements. |
Principal, Admin Dept, Admission committee |
To approve |
14 | To ensure the discipline in the college. | Discipline Committee | To take necessary action to improve the function of the committee |
15 | Submitting the monthly report of syllabus completion and activities. | Principal, Vice Principal, Coordinator | To review and submit |
16 | To fill and approve the Performance Appraisal Report of the staff. | Director, Principal, Vice Principal | To recommend |
17 | To execute the statutory and regulatory compliances of the affiliating, regulatory and local authority. | Admin Officer, Director, Administrator | To implement |
18 | To plan & propose the financial budget for every Academic session. | Admin Officer, Director, Principal, Administrator, Accounts Manager, Budget Officer | To recommend |
19 | Identify the risk and opportunity of various process conducted and calculate its RPN (Risk priority No. ) | Process Owners | To Finalize. |
20 | Identify Internal and External Interested parties and their issues. | Principal, Vice Principal,Academic coordinators | To Finalize and implement. |
Sr. No. | Responsibility | Interface | Authority |
01 | To give inputs in the college policies & propose the same to Principal if required. | Principal, Vice Principal, Course Coordinator | To suggest |
02 | To identify the recruitment needs & propose the same to Principal. | Principal ,Vice Principal | To suggest |
03 | Preparation of Academic Activity calendar & send it for approval to the Principal. | Educator, Principal | To Prepare and send for approval |
04 | Initiation of Subject allocation & forward it for verification & approval to the Principal. | Principal ,Educators | To Prepare and send for approval |
05 | To ensure timely preparation & approval of Micro plan & Lesson Plan as per the syllabus. | Principal, Educators | To check |
06 | Planning & working on Committee list for the year | Principal | To plan |
07 | Preparation of Workload distribution & forward it Principal. | Vice Principal, Coordinator | To prepare |
08 | To verify the time table preparation for the Academic session. | Principal, Time Table In-charge | To verify and suggest the changes |
09 | Preparation of Event List along with event Coordinator names | Principal | To prepare |
10 | Weekly Verification of Logbook | Principal, Time Table In-charge | To verify and report accordingly |
11 | Daily Monitoring of Class Timetable Course wise | Educator, Coordinator | To monitor and maintain the record |
12 | Maintaining healthy atmosphere. | Students, Educator, admin, Vice Principal, Principal | To maintain and report any difficulty to the authority |
13 | Prepare the monthly report and submit on the first day of next month to the Principal. | Educator, Process owner,Principal | To evaluate and submit the report |
14 | Working towards improvement in academic system of the college. | Educator ,Principal | To suggest the area of improvement |
15 | Preparing yearly guest lecture calendars. | Educators, Vice Principal, Principal | To prepare |
16 | To monitor daily attendance of Educators and Students. | Principal | To observe the attendance of students and report accordingly |
17 | To make necessary proxy arrangements. | Educators, Course Coordinator | To make the arrangement |
18 | To ensure effective implementation of Micro Plan. | Educator | To observe and suggest the area of improvement |
19 | To interact with the Class Educator and Parents of the irregular students. | Parents and Class Educator/ Mentor | To maintain the record |
20 | To assist Principal in preparation of Almanac. | Event Coordinator | To assist |
21 | To assist Principal in planning for the Intra& Inter collegiate competitions with event coordinator. | Event Coordinator, | To assist |
22 | To ensure the Laboratory usage as per Micro Plan. | Educator ,Lab Assistant | To ensure the usage |
23 | Identify the risk and opportunity of various process conducted and calculate its RPN(Risk priority No.) | Process Owners. | To Finalize. |
24 | Identify Internal and External Interested parties and their issues. | Process Owners | To Finalize and Implement |
Theoretical/General | |||
1 | To facilitate leaning of the students through classroom interaction. | Educators | To Plan, Execute and analyze the syllabus coverage as per micro plan |
2 | To evaluate the assignment of the students | Educators | To Plan, Execute and analyze the assignments. |
3 | To keep record of the subject- wise attendance of students. | Educators | To keep a track of the attendance. |
4 | To do revision of content taught after every unit. | Educators | To Plan, Revise the content. |
5 | To do remedial teaching as and when required. | Educators | To Plan, Execute remedial teaching. |
Mentorship | |||
6 | To give guidance to the students and the mentees. | Mentor | To Plan, guide and Counsel |
7 | To arrange for counselling by professional counsellor if needed. | Mentor | To guide the students |
8 | To motivate the students for better academic and co- curricular performance. | Mentor | To guide and motivate |
9 | To motivate the students for better extra- curricular performance. | Mentor | To guide and motivate |
Sr. No. | Activity | Responsibility | Stage Out put | ||||
01 | Define the objectives at the beginning of Academic Year. | ||||||
02 | Decide the targets for the Objectives | Principal & Coordinator | -- | ||||
03 | Collect the data on monthly basis from each process owner; compare it against the set target. | Coordinator | Quality Objective Status | ||||
04 | In case of non-achievement, analyze the failure and initiate necessary corrective actions. | Coordinator | Corrective Action. | ||||
05 | Forward the Quality Objectives status to the Management Representative before MRM. | Coordinator | |||||
06 | Present the data and actions initiated (if any) related to Quality Objectives in the Management Review Meeting. | Respective Principal & Coordinator | Minutes of MRM |
Sr. No. | Objectives | Indicator | Methodology | Target | Responsibility of Maintaining data | Frequency of Maintaining data |
1 | To improve students satisfaction | % of SSI | To calculate students satisfaction index once in six month | More than previous SSI | Respective head of the institute | Semester s |
2 | To improve the proficiency of faculty | Number Of FDP Programs | To Calculate Number of FDP programs | 12 per year | FDP/Academic coordinator | Quarterly |
3 | To complete 100% syllabus | Monthly report of syllabus completion | To assess monthly report | 100% as Planned | Subject teachers | Semester/ Yearly |
4 | To maintain the attendance as per requirement | Attendance percentage | To calculate the percentage attendance | 85% | Class teachers | Monthly |
5 | To minimize students complaints | Number of complaints | Complaints’ Register | Less number of grievances than previous number | Grievance committee in charge | Monthly |
6 | To ensure efforts to show rise of 3% in results | %age students passed with distinction | To ensure the result as per target. | 3% More than previous result % age | Academic in charge | Semester/Yearly |
7 | To ensure results are more than that of university | University result, Institute result | To ensure the result as per target | more than university result | Academic in charge | Semester/Yearly |
Code of conduct form an integral part of culture of the institution. Faculty should follow code of conduct strengthening duties, responsibilities towards colleagues, students, parents, government and general populace.
Moral are the worthy ideals or principles that one follows to distinguish the right from the wrong. These ideals or virtues are considered worthy in building up the character of an individual.. They were edited, changed or modified rulers (dynasty) according with the development of knowledge in engineering and technology time to time.
Moral Value refers to the good virtues such as honesty, integrity, truthfulness, compassion, helpfulness, love, respectfulness, hard-work, etc Morality is concerned with principles and practices of morals such as:
Humans have the unique ability to define their identity, choose their values and establish their beliefs. All three of these directly influence a person‘s behavior. People have gone to great lengths to demonstrate the validity of their beliefs, including war and sacrificing their own life! Conversely, people are not motivated to support or validate the beliefs of another, when those beliefs are contrary to their own. People will act congruent with their personal values or what they deem to be important. - A value is defined as a principle that promotes well-being or prevents harm. - Another definition is: ― Values are our guidelines for our success—our paradigm about what is acceptable. Personal values are defined as: ― Emotional beliefs in principles regarded as particularly favorable or important for the individual. Our values associate emotions to our experiences and guide our choices, decisions and actions.
Attention, calmness, concentration, contentment, dignity, discipline, equality, equanimity, faithfulness, focus, gratitude, happiness, harmony, humility, inner silence, optimism, patience, reflection, satisfaction, self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-control, self-discipline, self-esteem, self-respect, sense control, tolerance, and understanding .
Accuracy, curiosity, discernment, fairness, fearlessness, honesty, integrity (unity of thought, word, and deed), intuition, justice, optimism, purity, quest for knowledge, reason, self-analysis, sincerity, sprit of enquiry, synthesis, trust, truthfulness, and determination.
Acceptance, affection, care, compassion, consideration, dedication, devotion, empathy, forbearance, forgiveness, friendship, generosity, gentleness, humanness, interdependence, kindness, patience, patriotism, reverence, sacrifice, selflessness, service, sharing, sympathy, thoughtfulness, tolerance and trust.
Integrity is defined as the unity of thought, word and deed (honesty) and open mindedness. It includes the capacity to communicate the factual information so that others can make well informed decisions. It yields the person's-peace of mind, and hence adds strength and consistency in character, decisions, and actions. This paves way to one‘s success.
The biggest workplace challenge is said to be the employee’s work ethics showing up to work every day (interest in work and attendance), showing up to work on time (punctuality), taking pride in the quality of their work, commitment to the job, and getting along with others. This situation demands inculcation of good character in the workplace by employees.
Character It is a characteristic property that defines the behavior of an individual. It is the pattern of virtues (morally-desirable features). Character includes attributes that determine a person’s moral and ethical actions and responses. It is also the ground on which morals and values blossom. People are divided into several categories, according to common tendencies such as ruthless, aggressiveness, and ambition, constricting selfishness, stinginess, or cheerfulness, generosity and goodwill. Individuals vary not only in the type of their character but also in the degree. Those whose lives are determined and directed by the prevailing habits, fashions, beliefs, attitudes, opinions and values of the society in which they live have at best a developed social as opposed to an individual character.
Follow Institutional Policies: Abiding by institution policies is a powerful way to demonstrate integrity. Cutting corners and neglecting to follow workplace regulations can lead to mistakes, problems and even dangerous situations.
Service Learning: Service-learning seeks to engage individuals in activities that combine both community service and academic learning. Because service-learning programs are typically rooted in formal courses (core academic, elective, or vocational), the service activities are usually based on particular curricular concepts that are being taught. Service-learning is a teaching method which combines community service with academic instruction as it focuses on critical, reflective thinking and civic responsibility. Service-learning programs involve students in organized community service that addresses local needs, while developing their academic skills, sense of civic responsibility, and commitment to the community.
Service-Learning Program Provides Educational Experiences: Under which students learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized service experiences that meet actual community needs and that are coordinated in collaboration with school and community.
The engineering student analyzing and executing a socially-relevant project is another example of service learning. The service learning is a methodology falling under the category of experiential education It is one of the forms of experiential learning and community service opportunities.
Civic virtues are the moral duties and rights, as a citizen of the village or the country or an integral part of the society and environment. An individual may exhibit civic virtues by voting, volunteering, and organizing welfare groups and meetings.
For a faster all round development of a student, there is a need of striking a balance between syllabus curriculum, books and co-curricular activities. Co-curricular activities give the students an opportunity to develop particular skills and exhibit their nonacademic abilities. There are various types of extracurricular activities conducted in the college, which offer students, an opportunity to work with others and to gain essential life skills. Though numerous extracurricular activities exist, the following activities are more prominently conducted in our college
Though we do not have rain water harvesting practices in our campuses, but keeping this important fact in mind, college is working on water harvesting practices in the campus.
On the lines of guidelines given by the Green Audit Committee of the college, the college chalked out its activity of water management and water harvesting.
Water Management: For the water management, the college collected data on the total length of water pipe laid on the campus, the length of the damaged pipe and the number of faulty taps that require replacement or repair. The college also collected data on the per capita water-consumption of the hostel-dwellers, the total consumption on the campus, the amount of waste on account of leakage (especially in the toilets, In our campuses, bathrooms suggested remedial measures like re-flooring of some toilets and the provision of dual flushes and the canteen suggested remedial measures like proper utilisation of water through putting posters and banners throughout the campus.
The faculty and management have initiated some of the proposed changes in the college building and hostels. A committee consisting of the faculty and the students is entrusted to monitor the effective and judicious usage of water on the campus.
We have also studied in depth rain water harvesting practices going on nearby and they are:
Rainwater harvesting is a technique of collection and storage of rainwater into natural reservoirs or tanks, or the infiltration of surface water into subsurface aquifers (before it is lost as surface runoff). The reasons for using rainwater harvesting systems answer three questions:
1. What : Rainwater harvesting will improve water supply, food production, and ultimately food security.
2. Who : Water insecure households or individuals in rural areas will benefit the most from rainwater harvesting systems.
3. How : Since rainwater harvesting leads to water supply which leads to food security, this will greatly contribute to income generation.
So keeping the above important fact in mind, College will surely make practice to implement Rain Water Harvesting in coming years for utilization of 100 % rain water in the campus.
Solid and Liquid Waste Management:
The college is to take care of the environment through solid waste management, in order to maintain the beauty of nature in and around the campus the college sensitizes its students and staff about the environment through various activities.
Type of waste generated from various sources
Sr no. | Source | Type of waste generated |
1 | Classrooms | Paper, plastic, pen, pencil, charts, disposable cups, wrappers |
2 | Lab | Paper, Plastic, Pen, Pencil, Bottles |
3 | Staffroom | Paper, Wrappers, Plastic, Bottles |
4 | Office | Paper and plastic |
5 | Library | Paper and plastic |
6 | Toilets | Paper, plastic and sanitary napkins. |
E-Waste management