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Welcome to the Library of ACBCS

About Library

Welcome to the Library of Ashoka Center for Business and Computer Studies. ACBCS Central Library is established in 2008. The Library plays a vital role in the collection development and dissemination of Teaching & Learning information to meet the present and future needs of the Students & Educators. The library has rich collection of books on Managements, Computers Science, Programming and many more. The collection includes text books, reference books, handbooks & CDs etc. It has well designed and maintained stack rooms. The library is computerized using ERP Serosoft Software. It contains fully Computerized Records and Issue of books. The catalogue of the library is available online staff and students can search the books through Web-OPAC.

Image Alternative Text.
Image Alternative Text.

Objectives of the Library

  • To fulfill the information needs of the students and faculty members Initiate, enhance and improve the library service.
  • To provide students necessary references to fact difference competitive examinations.
  • To automate the library.
  • To prepare Library for maximum utilization of available resources.
  • To provide reading facility in peaceful environment.

Information Products

  • New Arrivals on Display.
  • Book Alert.
  • Current Contents (Journals content indexing).

Library Services

  • Online Public Access Catalogue.
  • Home Lending Services
  • Orientation Programme.
  • Printing                                                 
  • Current Contents Services  
  • Reference Services. 


  • Scanning.
  • Newspapers Reading and Clipping Service.
  • Internet facility.
  • Reprography.
  • E-library.

Useful Library Links

Mr. Mohan B. Nikumbh


Mr. Mohan B. Nikumbh

M.Lib & I. Sci., SET

Email Id:

Tel. No.: +91 0253 6689561

Ask a Librarian




 Total No. of Volumes 8231
 Total No. of Titles  2323
 Total No. of Reference book 4426
 Total No. of Text-Books  3805
 Dictionaries 04
 CD’s 1023
 Bound Volumes 004


 Total No. of Periodicals 12
 International 04
 National 03
 Magazine 05


 Total no. of Newspapers 10
 English 6
 Hindi 1
 Marathi 3

Library Membership


Library Automation

 KOHA (Open Source) software

Library Timings

 Monday to Saturday: - 09:00 a.m. To 05.00 p.m.


Sr. No Title Of Journal /  Magazine Type
1  Digit National Magazine
2  Electronics For You National Magazine
3  University News National Journal
4  Readers Digest National Magazine
5  ICTACT Journal of Soft Computing International Journal

Journal of Data Analysis and Information

National Journal

International Journal of Computing and
Artificial Intelligence

International Journal
8 Finance India National Journal

International Journal of Accounting and

International Journal

International Journal of Research in
Management, Economics & Commerce

International Journal
11 Education World National Magazine
12  Open Source For You National Magazine

Special collections

Rare Books 46
Conf. Proceedings 1
PhD Thesis 3
Dissertations 400 approx
Special reports 05
Manuscript 57

Sr. No.



1  The Hindu English
2  Business Standard English
3  The Economics Times English
4  The Indian Express English
5  Times of India English
6  Lokmat Times English
7  Navbharat Times Hindi
8  Lokmat Marathi
9  Loksatta Marathi
10  Maharashtra Times Marathi


  1. Don’t put your bags on issue/return counter. Keep your personal belonging in the property counter.
  2. Student should be in complete uniform and should always carry Identity card with him/her.
  3. Every student will be issued books for seven (7) days. A book issued can be re-issued provided the re-issuing process is done before completion of seven days. Non returning of books by due date/time will be charged fine of Rs.2/- per book per day.
  4. Reference Books, Journals and Magazines are only for reference & are not for issue.
  5. If the book is lost then the students will be charged one an half times price of the book.
  6. Every Person who enters in the library should sign the visitor register.
  7. Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the library.
  8. Students are not allowed to sit in the library during lecture /practical hours.
  9. Eatables are not allowed in the library.
  10. Library should be used for reference & reading purpose, not for discussion.
  11. Ask for help from library staff, if you are unable to find your required book.
  12. Students should handle the books carefully.
  13. Reposition the chairs and switch off the lights and fans after use.
  14. All readers are required to maintain discipline in the library.
  15. All the students and staff members can access only subscribed e-resources in E- library.
  16. Students should not move any peripherals form one place to another without prior permission of Librarian.
  17. If any system is not working properly then immediately inform to the library staff, do not try to repair it yourself.
  18. Any kind of misbehaviour/surfing other than above sources/violation of any of the     above rules will invite strict disciplinary action.
Sr. No.Type of ResourceName Of The ResouceLinkDiscreption
1 Rare Books Rare Books The Rare Book Society of India is the first of its kind - it is a virtual space for rare book collectors and history buffs to read, discuss, rediscover and download lost books.
2 Newspapers Directories India News Papers Directory This online directory is containing e-papers and e-magazines of india.
 3 E-Learning/ Open Course Wears National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning NPTEL provides E-learning through online Web and Video courses in Engineering, Science and humanities.
Swayam Swayam hosting 2000 courses and 80000 hours of learning: covering school, under-graduate, post-graduate, engineering, law and other professional courses.
e-PG Pathshala High quality, curriculum-based, interactive content in different subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts & humanities, natural & mathematical sciences, linguistics and languages is being developed under this initiative named e-PG Pathshala.
MIT open course ware MIT Open Course Ware (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.
Open course consortium The Open Course Ware Consortium is a worldwide community of hundreds of higher education institutions and associated organizations committed to advancing open education.
Open Yale Courses (OYC) Open Yale Courses (OYC) provides lectures and other materials from selected Yale College courses to the public free of charge via the Internet. The courses span the full range of liberal arts disciplines, including humanities, social sciences, and physical and biological sciences.
Open.Michigan Open. Michigan encourages researchers, learners, and instructors to maximize the impact and reach of their scholarly work through open sharing.
World Lecture Project (wlp)° is the central platform for delivering academic videos from faculties worldwide. You can find videos according to various criteria: theme, faculty, country, language, institution.
4 Dictionaries/Encyclopaedia Encyclopedia Britannica The Encyclopaedia Britannica name has been synonymous with reliable and trustworthy information for generations has more than 100 trusted sources, including encyclopaedias, dictionaries, and thesauruses with facts, definitions, biographies, synonyms, pronunciation keys, word origins, and abbreviations.
 Merriam-Webster Merriam-Webster has been America's leading and most-trusted provider of language information.
Onelook Dictionary 19,632,921 words in 1061 dictionaries indexed
5 Open Access E-Books Project Gutenberg It offers over 57,000 free eBooks: choose among free e pub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.
OAPEN The OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of humanities and social sciences.
Directory of Open Access Books 12323 Academic peer-reviewed books and chapters from 277 publishers.
Open access eBooks Open Access eBooks covers different disciplines of science, technology and medicine. Each eBook contains around 6 or 7 book chapters providing the latest information to the readers.
Internet Archives Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
JSTOR Explore academic content on JSTOR that is open to everyone, everywhere. Search thousands of free journal articles and open access book chapters.
O'Reilly Open Books Project Access to a collection of computer science titles.
6 Open Access E-Journals Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
Open Access Library Free Access to 4,236,696 Academic Articles.
Open Access Journals 700+ peer reviewed Open Access Journals
Open Access Journals Search Engine 4,500+ journals in the directory.
Bentham Open Bentham Open publishes a number of peer-reviewed, open access journals. These free-to-view online journals cover all major disciplines of science, medicine, technology and social sciences.
J-Stage 4,590,246 Journals Articles Published By Academic Societies In Japan.